Singlet–triplet physics and shell filling in carbon nanotube double quantum dots

Author:  ["H. Ingerslev Jørgensen","K. Grove-Rasmussen","K.-Y. Wang","A. M. Blackburn","K. Flensberg","P. E. Lindelof","D. A. Williams"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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Carbon nanotube double quantum dots, whose shell-like electronic structure is reminiscent of that of a simple molecule, provide a useful system to study the interaction of just a few electrons at a time. An artificial two-atomic molecule, also called a double quantum dot (DQD), is an ideal system for exploring few-electron physics1,2. Interactions between just two electrons have been explored in such systems using the singlet and triplet states as the two states in a quantum two-level system3,4,5,6,7. An alternative and attractive material for studying spin-based two-level systems is the carbon nanotube (CNT), because it is expected to have a very long spin coherence time5. Here, we show that the CNT DQD8,9,10,11,12,13 has a clear shell structure of either four or eight electrons. We show that few-electron physics can be explored in these shells and we find that the singlet and triplet states are present in the four-electron shells. Furthermore, we observe inelastic cotunnelling via the singlet and triplet states, which we use to probe the splitting between the singlet and triplet, in good agreement with theory.

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Ingerslev Jørgensen, H., Grove-Rasmussen, K., Wang, KY. et al. Singlet–triplet physics and shell filling in carbon nanotube double quantum dots. Nature Phys 4, 536–539 (2008).

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