An ionothermally prepared S = 1/2 vanadium oxyfluoride kagome lattice

Author:  ["Farida H. Aidoudi","David W. Aldous","Richard J. Goff","Alexandra M. Z. Slawin","J. Paul Attfield","Russell E. Morris","Philip Lightfoot"]

Publication:  Nature Chemistry

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Frustrated magnetic lattices offer the possibility of many exotic ground states that are of great fundamental importance. Of particular significance is the hunt for frustrated spin-1/2 networks as candidates for quantum spin liquids, which would have exciting and unusual magnetic properties at low temperatures. The few reported candidate materials have all been based on d9 ions. Here, we report the ionothermal synthesis of [NH4]2[C7H14N][V7O6F18], an inorganic–organic hybrid solid that contains a S = 1/2 kagome network of d1 V4+ ions. The compound exhibits a high degree of magnetic frustration, with significant antiferromagnetic interactions but no long-range magnetic order or spin-freezing above 2 K, and appears to be an excellent candidate for realizing a quantum spin liquid ground state in a spin-1/2 kagome network. Candidates for 'quantum spin liquid' materials are rare and often composed of two-dimensional kagome arrays of d9 centres. Analogous systems based on d1 metal ions may confer different properties, but there are no previously known examples. An inorganic–organic hybrid vanadium d1 material has now been prepared that seems to be an excellent candidate for a spin-liquid ground state.

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Aidoudi, F., Aldous, D., Goff, R. et al. An ionothermally prepared S = 1/2 vanadium oxyfluoride kagome lattice. Nature Chem 3, 801–806 (2011).

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