Deterministic creation and deletion of a single magnetic skyrmion observed by direct time-resolved X

Author:  ["Seonghoon Woo","Kyung Mee Song","Xichao Zhang","Motohiko Ezawa","Yan Zhou","Xiaoxi Liu","Markus Weigand","Simone Finizio","Jörg Raabe","Min-Chul Park","Ki-Young Lee","Jun Woo Choi","Byoung-Chul Min","Hyun Cheol Koo","Joonyeon Chang"]

Publication:  Nature Electronics

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Spintronic devices based on magnetic skyrmions are a promising candidate for next-generation memory applications due to their nanometre size, topologically protected stability and efficient current-driven dynamics. Since the recent discovery of room-temperature magnetic skyrmions, there have been reports of current-driven skyrmion displacement on magnetic tracks and demonstrations of current pulse-driven skyrmion generation. However, the controlled annihilation of a single skyrmion at room temperature has remained elusive. Here we demonstrate the deterministic writing and deleting of single isolated skyrmions at room temperature in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo films with a device-compatible stripline geometry. The process is driven by the application of current pulses, which induce spin–orbit torques, and is directly observed using a time-resolved nanoscale X-ray imaging technique. We provide a current pulse profile for the efficient and deterministic writing and deleting process. Using micromagnetic simulations, we also reveal the microscopic mechanism of the topological fluctuations that occur during this process. Single isolated magnetic skyrmions can be electrically written and deleted at room temperature in a magnetic device with a technologically relevant stripline geometry, a process that can be directly observed using time-resolved X-ray pump–probe measurements.

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Woo, S., Song, K.M., Zhang, X. et al. Deterministic creation and deletion of a single magnetic skyrmion observed by direct time-resolved X-ray microscopy. Nat Electron 1, 288–296 (2018).

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