Spin-transfer torques for domain wall motion in antiferromagnetically coupled ferrimagnets

Author:  ["Takaya Okuno","Duck-Ho Kim","Se-Hyeok Oh","Se Kwon Kim","Yuushou Hirata","Tomoe Nishimura","Woo Seung Ham","Yasuhiro Futakawa","Hiroki Yoshikawa","Arata Tsukamoto","Yaroslav Tserkovnyak","Yoichi Shiota","Takahiro Moriyama","Kab-Jin Kim","Kyung-Jin Lee","Teruo Ono"]

Publication:  Nature Electronics

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Antiferromagnetic materials offer ultrafast spin dynamics and could be used to build devices that are orders of magnitude faster than those based on ferromagnetic materials. Spin-transfer torque is key to the electrical control of spins and has been demonstrated in ferromagnetic spintronics. However, experimental exploration of spin-transfer torque in antiferromagnets remains limited, despite a number of theoretical studies. Here, we report an experimental examination of the effects of spin-transfer torque on the motion of domain walls in antiferromagnetically coupled ferrimagnets. Using a ferrimagnetic gadolinium–iron–cobalt (GdFeCo) alloy in which Gd and FeCo moments are coupled antiferromagnetically, we find that non-adiabatic spin-transfer torque acts like a staggered magnetic field, providing efficient control of the domain walls. We also show that the non-adiabaticity parameter of the spin-transfer torque is significantly larger than the Gilbert damping parameter, in contrast to the case of non-adiabatic spin-transfer torque in ferromagnets. Non-adiabatic spin-transfer torque in antiferromagnetically coupled ferrimagnets acts like a staggered magnetic field and can induce efficient domain wall motion.

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Okuno, T., Kim, DH., Oh, SH. et al. Spin-transfer torques for domain wall motion in antiferromagnetically coupled ferrimagnets. Nat Electron 2, 389–393 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41928-019-0303-5

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