➦   Violation of the London law and Onsager–Feynman quantization in multicomponent superconductors

➦   The energization of relativistic electrons in the outer Van Allen radiation belt

➦   Satellite observations of separator-line geometry of three-dimensional magnetic reconnection

➦   Fractional quantum Hall effect in a quantum point contact at filling fraction 5/2

➦   Itinerant to localized transition of f electrons in the antiferromagnetic superconductor UPd2Al3

➦   What happened before the Big Bang?

➦   A non-volatile-memory device on the basis of engineered anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As

➦   Observation of Landau levels of Dirac fermions in graphite

➦   Inside-out evacuation of transitional protoplanetary discs by the magneto-rotational instability

➦   Electrical spin-injection into silicon from a ferromagnetic metal/tunnel barrier contact

➦   All-optical injection of ballistic electrical currents in unbiased silicon

➦   Observation of the optical spin Hall effect

➦   Tunable scaling behaviour observed in Barkhausen criticality of a ferromagnetic film

➦   Three-body interactions with cold polar molecules

➦   Measurement of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin–orbit magnetic fields

➦   Symmetry of large physical systems implies independence of subsystems

➦   Bridging length scales in colloidal liquids and interfaces from near-critical divergence to single p

➦   Charge inversion accompanies DNA condensation by multivalent ions

➦   Dynamics of cell orientation

➦   Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers

➦   Flow diagram of the metal–insulator transition in two dimensions

➦   A Kapitza–Dirac–Talbot–Lau interferometer for highly polarizable molecules

➦   Charge-order-maximized momentum-dependent superconductivity

➦   A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons

➦   Entangling independent photons by time measurement

➦   Focusing capillary jets close to the continuum limit

➦   Quantum critical behaviour in the superfluid density of strongly underdoped ultrathin copper oxide f

➦   A new method for generating ultraintense and ultrashort laser pulses

➦   Experiments and multiscale simulations of laser propagation through ignition-scale plasmas

➦   Spin dynamics in the pseudogap state of a high-temperature superconductor

➦   Incoherent non-Fermi-liquid scattering in a Kondo lattice

➦   Single-photon bus connecting spin-wave quantum memories

➦   Imaging the two gaps of the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CuO6+x

➦   Is the outer Solar System chaotic?

➦   Impurity-stabilized solid 4He below the solidification pressure of pure helium

➦   Self-organized network evolution coupled to extremal dynamics

➦   Anyons in a weakly interacting system

➦   Cross-sectional imaging of spin injection into a semiconductor

➦   Optically detected coherent spin dynamics of a single electron in a quantum dot

➦   Peculiar many-body effects revealed in the spectroscopy of highly charged quantum dots

➦   Spinons and triplons in spatially anisotropic frustrated antiferromagnets

➦   Quasiparticle interference and superconducting gap in Ca2−xNaxCuO2Cl2

➦   Surface heating of wire plasmas using laser-irradiated cone geometries

➦   Collimation of sound assisted by acoustic surface waves

➦   Generation of intense continuum extreme-ultraviolet radiation by many-cycle laser fields

➦   Unexpected features of branched flow through high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases

➦   Impact of long- and short-range disorder on the metallic behaviour of two-dimensional systems

➦   Observation of energetic electrons within magnetic islands

➦   How pre-melting on surrounding interfaces broadens solid–liquid phase transitions

➦   Test of relativistic time dilation with fast optical atomic clocks at different velocities