➦   Deep moiré potentials in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers

➦   Quantum sensing of a coherent single spin excitation in a nuclear ensemble

➦   Nanoscale mechanics of antiferromagnetic domain walls

➦   Emergent nonlinear phenomena in a driven dissipative photonic dimer

➦   Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the WS2/WSe2 moiré lattice

➦   Topological limits to the parallel processing capability of network architectures

➦   Low-divergence femtosecond X-ray pulses from a passive plasma lens

➦   Proton–electron mass ratio by high-resolution optical spectroscopy of ion ensembles in the resolved-

➦   Tunable van Hove singularities and correlated states in twisted monolayer–bilayer graphene

➦   The effectiveness of backward contact tracing in networks

➦   Gain-induced topological response via tailored long-range interactions

➦   Photonic quantum Hall effect and multiplexed light sources of large orbital angular momenta

➦   Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics and formation of the Bose polaron

➦   Split superconducting and time-reversal symmetry-breaking transitions in Sr2RuO4 under stress

➦   Symmetry-broken Chern insulators and Rashba-like Landau-level crossings in magic-angle bilayer graph

➦   Reduced Hall carrier density in the overdoped strange metal regime of cuprate superconductors

➦   Optical polarization analogue in free electron beams

➦   High-throughput injection–acceleration of electron bunches from a linear accelerator to a laser wake

➦   Detection of Kardar–Parisi–Zhang hydrodynamics in a quantum Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain

➦   Fluid interfacial energy drives the emergence of three-dimensional periodic structures in micropilla

➦   Domain-wall confinement and dynamics in a quantum simulator

➦   Unperturbed inverse kinematics nucleon knockout measurements with a carbon beam

➦   Solar flare effects in the Earth’s magnetosphere

➦   A diffusiophoretic mechanism for ATP-driven transport without motor proteins

➦   Duality and domain wall dynamics in a twisted Kitaev chain

➦   Unusual high-field metal in a Kondo insulator

➦   Mirror symmetry breaking in a model insulating cuprate

➦   Measurement of the proton spin structure at long distances

➦   Embryonic tissues as active foams