➦   Resonant Andreev reflections probed by photon-assisted tunnelling at the atomic scale

➦   Casimir spring and dilution in macroscopic cavity optomechanics

➦   Tunnelling dynamics between superconducting bound states at the atomic limit

➦   Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers

➦   Unscrambling entanglement through a complex medium

➦   Active mucus–cilia hydrodynamic coupling drives self-organization of human bronchial epithelium

➦   Photon-pressure strong coupling between two superconducting circuits

➦   Efficient learning of quantum noise

➦   Suppression of superconductivity by anisotropic strain near a nematic quantum critical point

➦   Superconductivity and quantum criticality linked by the Hall effect in a strange metal

➦   Direct observation of two-dimensional magnons in atomically thin CrI3

➦   High-temperature quantum anomalous Hall regime in a MnBi2Te4/Bi2Te3 superlattice

➦   A strong no-go theorem on the Wigner’s friend paradox

➦   Search for axion-like dark matter with ferromagnets

➦   Bloch ferromagnetism of composite fermions

➦   Strong coupling and pressure engineering in WSe2–MoSe2 heterobilayers

➦   Excitons bound by photon exchange

➦   Controlling the speed and trajectory of evolution with counterdiabatic driving

➦   Cooperative pattern formation in multi-component bacterial systems through reciprocal motility regul

➦   Spectroscopic fingerprint of charge order melting driven by quantum fluctuations in a cuprate

➦   Binary icosahedral clusters of hard spheres in spherical confinement

➦   Braiding photonic topological zero modes

➦   Thermodynamics of a deeply degenerate SU(N)-symmetric Fermi gas

➦   Underground test of gravity-related wave function collapse

➦   Direct observation of anyonic braiding statistics

➦   Structure determines where crystallization occurs in a soft colloidal glass

➦   Zero-bias peaks at zero magnetic field in ferromagnetic hybrid nanowires

➦   Chemotaxis under flow disorder shapes microbial dispersion in porous media

➦   Black metal hydrogen above 360 GPa driven by proton quantum fluctuations

➦   Weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in a trapped-ion system

➦   Symmetry breaking in twisted double bilayer graphene

➦   Time–information uncertainty relations in thermodynamics

➦   Generalized superradiance for producing broadband coherent radiation with transversely modulated arb

➦   Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere

➦   Entanglement between distant macroscopic mechanical and spin systems

➦   Observation of energy-resolved many-body localization

➦   Ultrasound evidence for a two-component superconducting order parameter in Sr2RuO4

➦   Machine learning the thermodynamic arrow of time

➦   Thermodynamic evidence for a two-component superconducting order parameter in Sr2RuO4

➦   Theory of mechanochemical patterning and optimal migration in cell monolayers

➦   Inertial spin dynamics in ferromagnets

➦   Capturing the continuous complexity of behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegans

➦   Observation of flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene

➦   Scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy in RuCl3 at high magnetic fields

➦   Intercontinental comparison of optical atomic clocks through very long baseline interferometry

➦   Directional self-locomotion of active droplets enabled by nematic environment

➦   Electrically tunable correlated and topological states in twisted monolayer–bilayer graphene

➦   Isotopy and energy of physical networks

➦   Resonant phase-matching between a light wave and a free-electron wavefunction

➦   Reply to: Asymptotic scaling describing signal propagation in complex networks