➦   Nonlinear optical signatures of the tensor order in Cd2Re2O7 

➦   Experimental quantum teleportation of a two-qubit composite system

➦   Observation of the Nernst signal generated by fluctuating Cooper pairs

➦   Radiofrequency-dressed-state potentials for neutral atoms

➦   GeV electron beams from a centimetre-scale accelerator

➦   Observation of subnanometre-high surface topography with X-ray reflection phase-contrast microscopy

➦   Measurement of the quantum capacitance of interacting electrons in carbon nanotubes

➦   Unconventional motional narrowing in the optical spectrum of a semiconductor quantum dot

➦   Preparation of a quantum state with one molecule at each site of an optical lattice

➦   Tunable refraction and reflection of self-confined light beams

➦   Phonons in a one-dimensional microfluidic crystal

➦   Snapshots of laser wakefields

➦   Measuring and controlling the birth of attosecond XUV pulses

➦   Long-range interactions between optical solitons

➦   Dispersionless slow light using gap solitons

➦   Conditional control of the quantum states of remote atomic memories for quantum networking

➦   Demagnetization cooling of a gas

➦   Anisotropic scattering and anomalous normal-state transport in a high-temperature superconductor

➦   Entanglement and the foundations of statistical mechanics

➦   Imaging and controlling electron transport inside a quantum ring

➦   Initialization and read-out of spins in coupled core–shell quantum dots

➦   Electrical detection of coherent 31P spin quantum states

➦   Femtosecond diffractive imaging with a soft-X-ray free-electron laser

➦   Strongly interacting polaritons in coupled arrays of cavities

➦   Quantum phase transitions of light

➦   Half-cycle cutoffs in harmonic spectra and robust carrier-envelope phase retrieval

➦   Direct observation of the coherent precession of magnetic domain walls propagating along permalloy n

➦   Quasiparticle dynamics in graphene

➦   Scaling of proton acceleration driven by petawatt-laser–plasma interactions

➦   Dispersive superfluid-like shock waves in nonlinear optics

➦   Controllable valley splitting in silicon quantum devices

➦   Classes of complex networks defined by role-to-role connectivity profiles

➦   Phase separation and suppression of critical dynamics at quantum phase transitions of MnSi and (Sr1−

➦   Quantum non-demolition measurement of a superconducting two-level system

➦   Local fluctuations in the ageing of a simple structural glass

➦   Superradiance of quantum dots

➦   Experimental entanglement of six photons in graph states

➦   Ageing memory and glassiness of a driven vortex system

➦   Interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy

➦   A molecular synchrotron

➦   Neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts as a tool to explore quantum-gravity-induced Lorentz violation

➦   Finite-temperature phase diagram of a polarized Fermi condensate

➦   Gapped itinerant spin excitations account for missing entropy in the hidden-order state of URu2Si2

➦   Spatially resolved soft X-ray spectrometry from single-image diffraction

➦   Observation of Faraday rotation from a single confined spin

➦   Effects of disorder on electron spin dynamics in a semiconductor quantum well

➦   Probing rare physical trajectories with Lyapunov weighted dynamics

➦   Fluctuating Cu–O–Cu bond model of high-temperature superconductivity

➦   Two-dimensional vortices in superconductors

➦   A local metallic state in globally insulating La1.24Sr1.76Mn2O7 well above the metal–insulator trans