➦   Interference-induced terahertz transparency in a semiconductor magneto-plasma

➦   Normal-state spin dynamics and temperature-dependent spin-resonance energy in optimally doped BaFe1.

➦   Neutron whispering gallery

➦   Nanoscale non-equilibrium dynamics and the fluctuation–dissipation relation in an ageing polymer gla

➦   Role of column density in the formation of stars and black holes

➦   A hitherto unrecognized source of low-energy electrons in water

➦   Superconductivity in one-atomic-layer metal films grown on Si(111)

➦   Ultrafast energy transfer between water molecules

➦   Ferroelectricity in a one-dimensional organic quantum magnet

➦   Evolution of spin excitations into the superconducting state in FeTe1−xSex

➦   Self-organized adaptation of a simple neural circuit enables complex robot behaviour

➦   Isolated optical vortex knots

➦   High-reflectivity high-resolution X-ray crystal optics with diamonds

➦   Attosecond imaging of molecular electronic wavepackets

➦   Naturally occurring resonators in random lasing of π-conjugated polymer films

➦   Turbulent inward pinch of plasma confined by a levitated dipole magnet

➦   Observation of parity–time symmetry in optics

➦   Static control logic for microfluidic devices using pressure-gain valves

➦   Correlation-induced single-flux-quantum penetration in quantum rings

➦   Laser oscillation in a strongly coupled single-quantum-dot–nanocavity system

➦   Strength and directionality of surface Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction mapped on the atomi

➦   An ultracold high-density sample of rovibronic ground-state molecules in an optical lattice

➦   Analog information processing at the quantum limit with a Josephson ring modulator

➦   Two-orbital S U(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms

➦   Integer and half-integer flux-quantum transitions in a niobium–iron pnictide loop

➦   Superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor

➦   Quantum register based on coupled electron spins in a room-temperature solid

➦   Rotational laser cooling of vibrationally and translationally cold molecular ions

➦   Exploring laser-wakefield-accelerator regimes for near-term lasers using particle-in-cell simulation

➦   Dynamical axion field in topological magnetic insulators

➦   All-optical preparation of molecular ions in the rovibrational ground state

➦   Band dispersion in the deep 1s core level of graphene

➦   A Rydberg quantum simulator

➦   Controlling the state of quantum spins with electric currents

➦   Experimental demonstration of a hyper-entangled ten-qubit Schrödinger cat state

➦   Mott physics and band topology in materials with strong spin–orbit interaction

➦   Optimal matrix rigidity for stress-fibre polarization in stem cells

➦   Observation of a one-dimensional spin–orbit gap in a quantum wire

➦   Interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in crystalline nanowires

➦   Particle–hole symmetry breaking in the pseudogap state of Bi2201

➦   Quantum to classical transition in a single-ion laser

➦   Delocalization of a disordered bosonic system by repulsive interactions

➦   Observation of hidden phases in supersolid 4He

➦   Direct observation of magnetic monopole defects in an artificial spin-ice system

➦   Why do particle clouds generate electric charges?

➦   Integrated elastomeric components for autonomous regulation of sequential and oscillatory flow switc

➦   Experimental violation of a Bell’s inequality in time with weak measurement

➦   Quantum entanglement in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes

➦   Laser-driven amplification of soft X-rays by parametric stimulated emission in neutral gases

➦   Turing patterns in network-organized activator–inhibitor systems