Soliton-pair dynamics in patterned ferromagnetic ellipses

Author:  ["Kristen S. Buchanan","Pierre E. Roy","Marcos Grimsditch","Frank Y. Fradin","Konstantin Yu. Guslienko","Sam D. Bader","Valentyn Novosad"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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Confinement alters the energy landscape of nanoscale magnets, leading to the appearance of unusual magnetic states, such as vortices, for example. Many basic questions concerning dynamical and interaction effects remain unanswered, and nanomagnets are convenient model systems for studying these fundamental physical phenomena. A single vortex in restricted geometry, also known as a non-localized soliton, possesses a characteristic translational excitation mode that corresponds to spiral-like motion of the vortex core around its equilibrium position. Here, we investigate, by a microwave reflection technique, the dynamics of magnetic soliton pairs confined in lithographically defined, ferromagnetic Permalloy ellipses. Through a comparison with micromagnetic simulations, the observed strong resonances in the subgigahertz frequency range can be assigned to the translational modes of vortex pairs with parallel or antiparallel core polarizations. Vortex polarizations play a negligible role in the static interaction between two vortices, but their effect dominates the dynamics.

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Buchanan, K., Roy, P., Grimsditch, M. et al. Soliton-pair dynamics in patterned ferromagnetic ellipses. Nature Phys 1, 172–176 (2005).

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