Imaging single atoms in a three-dimensional array

Author:  ["Karl D. Nelson","Xiao Li","David S. Weiss"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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Asingle neutral atom trapped by light is a promising qubit. It has weak, well-understood interactions with the environment, its internal state can be precisely manipulated1, interactions that entangle atoms can be varied from negligible to strong2,3,4 and many single atoms can be trapped near each other in an optical lattice5. This collection of features would allow for a relatively large quantum computer6 if each neutral atom qubit could be independently detected and addressed7,8,9,10. A quantum computer with even 50 qubits would allow quantum simulations that are out of the reach of classical computers11,12. So far, fewer than ten single atoms have been simultaneously imaged13. Here we demonstrate trapping and imaging of 250 single atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattice and show that imaging is highly unlikely to change the pattern of site occupancy. Our lattice spacing is large enough that, in principle, individual atoms can be addressed, which in combination with reproducible imaging should allow for verifiable filling of vacancies, execution of site-specific quantum gates and measurement of each atom’s final quantum state14,15. The lattice we use can readily be scaled to include thousands of trapped atoms.

Cite this article

Nelson, K., Li, X. & Weiss, D. Imaging single atoms in a three-dimensional array. Nature Phys 3, 556–560 (2007).

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