Visualization of the interplay between high-temperature superconductivity, the pseudogap and impurit

Author:  ["Kamalesh Chatterjee","M. C. Boyer","W. D. Wise","Takeshi Kondo","T. Takeuchi","H. Ikuta","E. W. Hudson"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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In conventional superconductors, the superconducting gap in the electronic excitation spectrum prevents scattering of low-energy electrons. In high-temperature superconductors (HTSs), an extra gap, the pseudogap1, develops well above the superconducting transition temperature TC. Here, we present a new avenue of investigating the pseudogap state, using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) of resonances generated by single-atom scatterers. Previous studies on the superconducting state of HTSs2 have led to a fairly consistent picture in which potential scatterers, such as Zn, strongly suppress superconductivity in an atomic-scale region, while generating low-energy excitations with a spatial distribution—as imaged by STM3,4—indicative of the d-wave nature of the superconducting gap. Surprisingly, we find that similar native impurity resonances coexist spatially with the superconducting gap at low temperatures and survive virtually unchanged on warming through TC. These findings demonstrate that properties of impurity resonances in HTSs are not determined by the nature of the superconducting state, as previously suggested, but instead provide new insights into the pseudogap state.

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Chatterjee, K., Boyer, M., Wise, W. et al. Visualization of the interplay between high-temperature superconductivity, the pseudogap and impurity resonances. Nature Phys 4, 108–111 (2008).

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