Tunable narrowband terahertz emission from mastered laser–electron beam interaction

Author:  ["S. Bielawski","C. Evain","T. Hara","M. Hosaka","M. Katoh","S. Kimura","A. Mochihashi","M. Shimada","C. Szwaj","T. Takahashi","Y. Takashima"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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A tunable source of coherent narrowband terahertz radiation is realized by using a laser to modulate the emission characteristics of a relativistic electron beam. In the quest for sources of optical radiation in the terahertz domain, promising candidates are nonlinear optical processes occurring when an intense laser beam interacts with a material medium1,2,3,4,5. Besides conventional media (such as crystals), relativistic electrons also show striking nonlinear collective behaviours, which can lead to powerful laser-induced coherent emission6,7, revealing huge potentials of these devices as terahertz sources8. However, up to now only broadband emissions were reported, and experimental control of their radiation properties, such as their spectra9,10, remained an important challenge. Here, we demonstrate the possibility of mastering the coherent emission experimentally by producing tunable narrowband terahertz radiation. The interaction is made to occur between an electron beam and laser pulses possessing a longitudinal quasi-sinusoidal modulation, and the narrowband emission occurs in a region of quasi-uniform magnetic field. The process therefore strongly differs from classical synchrotron radiation experiments, where narrowband emission occurs inside a periodic magnetic field.

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Bielawski, S., Evain, C., Hara, T. et al. Tunable narrowband terahertz emission from mastered laser–electron beam interaction. Nature Phys 4, 390–393 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys916

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