Preparation of distilled and purified continuous-variable entangled states

Author:  ["Boris Hage","Aiko Samblowski","James DiGuglielmo","Alexander Franzen","Jaromír Fiurášek","Roman Schnabel"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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Two independent experiments demonstrate that quantum entanglement that has been lost in decoherence processes can be recovered. For the first time such ’entanglement distillation’ has been achieved for states of light that are entangled in continuous variables, which should help to increase the distance over which quantum information can be distributed. The distribution of entangled states of light over long distances is a major challenge in the field of quantum information. Optical losses, phase diffusion and mixing with thermal states lead to decoherence and destroy the non-classical states after some finite transmission-line length. Quantum repeater protocols1,2, which combine quantum memory3, entanglement distillation4,5 and entanglement swapping6, were proposed to overcome this problem. Here we report on the experimental demonstration of entanglement distillation in the continuous-variable regime7,8,9. Entangled states were first disturbed by random phase fluctuations and then distilled and purified using interference on beam splitters and homodyne detection. Measurements of covariance matrices clearly indicate a regained strength of entanglement and purity of the distilled states. In contrast to previous demonstrations of entanglement distillation in the complementary discrete-variable regime10,11, our scheme achieved the actual preparation of the distilled states, which might therefore be used to improve the quality of downstream applications such as quantum teleportation12.

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Hage, B., Samblowski, A., DiGuglielmo, J. et al. Preparation of distilled and purified continuous-variable entangled states. Nature Phys 4, 915–918 (2008).

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