Long-lived quantum memory

Author:  ["R. Zhao","Y. O. Dudin","S. D. Jenkins","C. J. Campbell","D. N. Matsukevich","T. A. B. Kennedy","A. Kuzmich"]

Publication:  Nature Physics

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Two independent experiments that demonstrate memories for single quantum excitations with storage times on the order of a millisecond—two orders of magnitude longer than reported so far—should help to bring practical long-distance quantum-communication networks a step closer. Quantum memories for the storage and retrieval of quantum information are extremely sensitive to environmental influences, which limits their storage times. The ground states of atoms and ions are potential candidates for quantum memories, but although coherence times of the order of a few seconds for atoms1,2 and hundreds of seconds for ions3,4,5 have been demonstrated, long-lived storage and retrieval of single quantum excitations remains an outstanding challenge. Here, we report a quantum memory using the magnetically insensitive clock transition in atomic rubidium confined in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We observe quantum memory lifetimes exceeding 6 ms, more than two orders of magnitude longer than previously reported6. This advance is an important step towards the realization of long-distance quantum networks and the controlled production of complex entangled states of matter and light.

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Zhao, R., Dudin, Y., Jenkins, S. et al. Long-lived quantum memory. Nature Phys 5, 100–104 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys1152

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