A new transmissible AIDS-like disease in mice induced by alloimmune stimuli

Author:  ["Victor S. Ter-Grigorov","Oleg Krifuks","Eugenia Liubashevsky","Abraham Nyska","Zeev Trainin","Vladimir Toder"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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The search for a suitable and reliable animal model for human AIDS that is easy to use on a large scale continues. Here we describe a new condition in mice that closely resembles human AIDS, namely, chronic lymphoproliferation with dramatic depletion of CD4-positive cells, progressive impairment of the immune responses, and Kaposi's sarcoma-like tumors or terminal B-lymphomas. The AIDS-like disease was primarily induced by mating BALB/c female mice to C57BL/6 males during a 1-year period (7–10 allogeneic pregnancies) followed by immunization with paternal lymphocytes. The disease is sexually and vertically transmissible, transferrable by cell-free plasma and is associated with autoimmune reactions to major histocompatibility complex antigens and CD4 cells. We hope that this becomes a model for studying the mechanisms of AIDS immunopathogenesis and immune-based treatment approaches.

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Ter-Grigorov, V., Krifuks, O., Liubashevsky, E. et al. A new transmissible AIDS-like disease in mice induced by alloimmune stimuli. Nat Med 3, 37–41 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm0197-37

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