Induction of specific transplantation tolerance across xenogeneic barriers in the T-independent immu

Author:  ["Yuan Lin","Jozef Goebels","Guliang Xia","Ping Ji","Michel Vandeputte","Mark Waer"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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After transplantation of primarily vascularized xenografts (Xgs), T-independent mechanisms may lead to Xg rejection before T-cell activation even takes place. The possibility of achieving T-independent xenotolerance was evaluated in nude rats that normally reject hamster cardiac Xgs within 4 days by non-T cell-mediated mechanisms. After donor antigen infusion, temporary NK-cell depletion and a 4-week administration of Leflunomide, hamster heart grafts survived even after withdrawal of immunosuppression. Tolerant rats accepted second hamster hearts, but promptly rejected mouse heart Xgs. In vivo immunization and in vitro cy-totoxicity assays indicated that this species-specific tolerance was based on B-lymphocyte and NK-cell tolerance respectively.

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Lin, Y., Goebels, J., Xia, G. et al. Induction of specific transplantation tolerance across xenogeneic barriers in the T-independent immune compartment . Nat Med 4, 173–180 (1998).

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