Inhibition of neointimal cell bcl-x expression induces apoptosis and regression of vascular disease

Author:  ["Matthew J. Pollman","Jennifer L. Hall","Michael J. Mann","Lunan Zhang","Gary H. Gibbons"]

Publication:  Nature Medicine

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We postulated that activation of a genetic program that tonicaiiy inhibits intimal cell death is a necessary condition for the pathogenesis of vascular disease. Studies of vascular lesions in humans and animal models documented increased expression of the anti-apoptotic gene product Bcl-xL within intimal cells. Downregulation of intimal cell bcl-xL expression with the use of antisense oligonucleotides induced apoptosis and acute regression of vascular lesions. These findings indicate that apoptosis regulatory genes such as bcl-xL are critical determinants of intimal lesion formation and that targeted apoptosis may be a novel therapy for intimal vascular disease.

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Pollman, M., Hall, J., Mann, M. et al. Inhibition of neointimal cell bcl-x expression induces apoptosis and regression of vascular disease. Nat Med 4, 222–227 (1998).

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