Past, Present, and Future of Regeneration Therapy in Oral and Periodontal Tissue: A Review

Author:  Lee, Hwa-Sun; Byun, Soo-Hwan; Cho, Seoung-Won; Yang, Byoung-Eun. 2019.

Publication:  Applied Sciences 2019, Vol. 9, Page 1046

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Chronic periodontitis is the most common disease which induces oral tissue destruction. The goal of periodontal treatment is to reduce inflammation and regenerate the defects. As the structure of periodontium is composed of four types of different tissue (cementum, alveolar bone periodontal ligament, and gingiva), the regeneration should allow different cell proliferation in the separated spaces. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and guided bone regeneration (GBR) were introduced to prevent epithelial growth into the alveolar bone space. In the past, non-absorbable membranes with basic functions such as space maintenance were used with bone graft materials. Due to several limitations of the non-absorbable membranes, membranes of the second and third generation equipped with controlled absorbability, and a functional layer releasing growth factors or antimicrobials were introduced. Moreover, tissue engineering using biomaterials enabled faster and more stable tissue regeneration. The scaffold with three-dimensional structures manufactured by computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) showed high biocompatibility, and promoted cell infiltration and revascularization. In the future, using the cell sheath, pre-vascularizing and bioprinting techniques will be applied to the membrane to mimic the original tissue itself. The aim of the review was not only to understand the past and the present trends of GTR and GBR, but also to be used as a guide for a proper future of regeneration therapy in the oral region.

Cite this article

Lee H-S, Byun S-H, Cho S-W, Yang B-E. Past, Present, and Future of Regeneration Therapy in Oral and Periodontal Tissue: A Review. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(6):1046.

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