Water-oxidation catalysis by manganese in a geochemical-like cycle

Author:  ["Rosalie K. Hocking","Robin Brimblecombe","Lan-Yun Chang","Archana Singh","Mun Hon Cheah","Chris Glover","William H. Casey","Leone Spiccia"]

Publication:  Nature Chemistry

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Water oxidation in all oxygenic photosynthetic organisms is catalysed by the Mn4CaO4 cluster of Photosystem II. This cluster has inspired the development of synthetic manganese catalysts for solar energy production. A photoelectrochemical device, made by impregnating a synthetic tetranuclear-manganese cluster into a Nafion matrix, has been shown to achieve efficient water oxidation catalysis. We report here in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy studies that demonstrate that this cluster dissociates into Mn(II) compounds in the Nafion, which are then reoxidized to form dispersed nanoparticles of a disordered Mn(III/IV)-oxide phase. Cycling between the photoreduced product and this mineral-like solid is responsible for the observed photochemical water-oxidation catalysis. The original manganese cluster serves only as a precursor to the catalytically active material. The behaviour of Mn in Nafion therefore parallels its broader biogeochemistry, which is also dominated by cycles of oxidation into solid Mn(III/IV) oxides followed by photoreduction to Mn2+. The development of an effective, cheap and robust water oxidation catalyst is crucial to the development of solar water-splitting technology. A manganese catalyst inspired by the water oxidizing centre of photosystem II is now shown to dissociate and reform into nanoparticles resembling the known natural oxidant mineral birnessite.

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Hocking, R., Brimblecombe, R., Chang, LY. et al. Water-oxidation catalysis by manganese in a geochemical-like cycle. Nature Chem 3, 461–466 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1038/nchem.1049

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