Revealing the stereospecific chemistry of the reaction of Cl with aligned CHD3(ν1 = 1)

Author:  ["Fengyan Wang","Kopin Liu","T. Peter Rakitzis"]

Publication:  Nature Chemistry

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The concept of geometrical constraints and steric hindrance in reactions is implanted deeply in a chemist's ‘chemical intuition’. However, until now a true three-dimensional view of these steric effects has not been realized experimentally for any chemical reaction in full. Here we report the complete three-dimensional characterization of the sterics of a benchmark polyatomic reaction by measuring the dependence of the product state-resolved angular distributions on the spatial alignment of the reactive bond in a crossed molecular beam experiment. The results prove the existence of two distinct microscopic reaction mechanisms. Detailed analysis reveals that the origin of the stereodynamics in the HCl(ν = 0) + CD3(00) product channel can be captured by a textbook line-of-centres collision model. In contrast, a time-delay pathway, which includes a sharp switch from in-plane to out-of-plane scattering in the forwards direction, appears to be operative in forming the excited HCl(ν = 1) + CD3(00) product pair. Steric effects are a key concept for understanding chemical reactivity. Now, by aligning reactants through control of the polarization of the infrared laser in a crossed-beam experiment, a three-dimensional view of how a reaction proceeds is reported. The results show striking dependences on the direction from which the laser-aligned reagents approach.

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Wang, F., Liu, K. & Rakitzis, T. Revealing the stereospecific chemistry of the reaction of Cl with aligned CHD3(ν1 = 1). Nature Chem 4, 636–641 (2012).

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