➦   New neuropeptides containing carboxy-terminal RFamide and their receptor in mammals

➦   p53 is associated with cellular microtubules and is transported to the nucleus by dynein

➦   Working strokes by single molecules of the kinesin-related microtubule motor ncd

➦   Participation of ATM in insulin signalling through phosphorylation of eIF-4E-binding protein 1

➦   The function of PML in p53-dependent apoptosis

➦   Force production by single kinesin motors

➦   Schnurri mediates Dpp-dependent repression of brinker transcription

➦   Mammalian recombination-repair genes XRCC2 and XRCC3 promote correct chromosome segregation

➦   Matrix metalloproteinase-9 triggers the angiogenic switch during carcinogenesis

➦   Threonine 68 is required for radiation-induced phosphorylation and activation of Cds1

➦   Cardiolipin provides specificity for targeting of tBid to mitochondria

➦   A new class of microtubule-associated proteins in plants

➦   A role for the lissencephaly gene LIS1 in mitosis and cytoplasmic dynein function

➦   Chemical genetic analysis of the budding-yeast p21-activated kinase Cla4p

➦   Drosophila Lis1 is required for neuroblast proliferation, dendritic elaboration and axonal transport

➦   Regulation of cytoplasmic dynein behaviour and microtubule organization by mammalian Lis1

➦   Cadherin-mediated regulation of microtubule dynamics

➦   Molecular model of a lattice of signalling proteins involved in bacterial chemotaxis

➦   Primary cells suppress oncogene-dependent apoptosis

➦   cAMP-GEFII is a direct target of cAMP in regulated exocytosis

➦   Function of microtubules in intercellular transport of plant virus RNA

➦   Functional dissection of in vivo interchromosome association in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

➦   The effect of Golgi depletion on exocytic transport

➦   The apoptotic v-cyclin–CDK6 complex phosphorylates and inactivates Bcl-2

➦   Glycine 384 is required for presenilin-1 function and is conserved in bacterial polytopic aspartyl p

➦   PAN, the proteasome-activating nucleotidase from archaebacteria, is a protein-unfolding molecular ch

➦   Mutations in the Plk gene lead to instability of Plk protein in human tumour cell lines

➦   Type II myosin regulatory light chain relieves auto-inhibition of myosin-heavy-chain function

➦   Upregulation of BiP and CHOP by the unfolded-protein response is independent of presenilin expressio

➦   The Rac1- and RhoG-specific GEF domain of Trio targets filamin to remodel cytoskeletal actin

➦   Molecular basis of transdifferentiation of pancreas to liver

➦   Cytoplasmic dynein is required for poleward chromosome movement during mitosis in Drosophila embryos

➦   αvβ5 integrin recruits the CrkII–Dock180–Rac1 complex for phagocytosis of apoptotic cells

➦   Reg-2 is a motoneuron neurotrophic factor and a signalling intermediate in the CNTF survival pathway

➦   A novel mitochondrial septin-like protein, ARTS, mediates apoptosis dependent on its P-loop motif

➦   The rate of poleward chromosome motion is attenuated in Drosophila zw10 and rod mutants

➦   RETRACTED ARTICLE: Binding to the transferrin receptor is required for endocytosis of HFE and regula

➦   Rough Deal and Zw10 are required for the metaphase checkpoint in Drosophila

➦   Human Zw10 and ROD are mitotic checkpoint proteins that bind to kinetochores

➦   A common set of engulfment genes mediates removal of both apoptotic and necrotic cell corpses in C.

➦   A yeast DNA J protein required for uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles in vivo

➦   Coordination of microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton by the Rho effector mDia1

➦   DAP kinase activates a p19ARF/p53-mediated apoptotic checkpoint to suppress oncogenic transformation

➦   Hrd1p/Der3p is a membrane-anchored ubiquitin ligase required for ER-associated degradation

➦   FRAP reveals that mobility of oestrogen receptor-α is ligand- and proteasome-dependent

➦   Frizzled regulates localization of cell-fate determinants and mitotic spindle rotation during asymme

➦   Two types of asymmetric divisions in the Drosophila sensory organ precursor cell lineage

➦   Transcriptional repression of oestrogen receptor by metastasis-associated protein 1 corepressor

➦   DmPAR-6 directs epithelial polarity and asymmetric cell division of neuroblasts in Drosophila

➦   Centrosomes and the Scrambled protein coordinate microtubule-independent actin reorganization