➦   Chk2 activates E2F-1 in response to DNA damage

➦   Telomerase modulates expression of growth-controlling genes and enhances cell proliferation

➦   Mammalian Sprouty4 suppresses Ras-independent ERK activation by binding to Raf1

➦   Polo-like kinase Cdc5 promotes chiasmata formation and cosegregation of sister centromeres at meiosi

➦   EGFR activation coupled to inhibition of tyrosine phosphatases causes lateral signal propagation

➦   The pathogenic peroxin Pex26p recruits the Pex1p–Pex6p AAA ATPase complexes to peroxisomes

➦   Distinct endocytic pathways regulate TGF-β receptor signalling and turnover

➦   Multiple monoubiquitination of RTKs is sufficient for their endocytosis and degradation

➦   Progressive hearing loss in mice lacking the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor Ink4d

➦   NMDA receptor trafficking through an interaction between PDZ proteins and the exocyst complex

➦   Proliferative lifespan is conserved after nuclear transfer

➦   Differential regulation of E2F1 apoptotic target genes in response to DNA damage

➦   Syntaxin specificity of cytokinesis in Arabidopsis

➦   MKP3 mediates the cellular response to FGF8 signalling in the vertebrate limb

➦   Colocalization of multiple DNA double-strand breaks at a single Rad52 repair centre

➦   Dual phosphorylation controls Cdc25 phosphatases and mitotic entry

➦   Rheb promotes cell growth as a component of the insulin/TOR signalling network

➦   Rheb is an essential regulator of S6K in controlling cell growth in Drosophila

➦   Rheb is a direct target of the tuberous sclerosis tumour suppressor proteins

➦   Ubp3 requires a cofactor, Bre5, to specifically de-ubiquitinate the COPII protein, Sec23

➦   Centrosome number is controlled by a centrosome-intrinsic block to reduplication

➦   Histone H2AX phosphorylation is dispensable for the initial recognition of DNA breaks

➦   Muscle stem cells differentiate into haematopoietic lineages but retain myogenic potential

➦   The cell junction protein VAB-9 regulates adhesion and epidermal morphology in C. elegans

➦   Inhibition of caspase-9 through phosphorylation at Thr 125 by ERK MAPK

➦   Crosstalk between Rap1 and Rac regulates secretion of sAPPα

➦   Accumulation of anchored proteins forms membrane diffusion barriers during neuronal polarization

➦   Human p32 protein relieves a post-transcriptional block to HIV replication in murine cells

➦   Heritable gene silencing in lymphocytes delays chromatid resolution without affecting the timing of

➦   Integrins and EGFR coordinately regulate the pro-apoptotic protein Bim to prevent anoikis

➦   Inactivating E2f1 reverts apoptosis resistance and cancer sensitivity in Trp53-deficient mice

➦   Connexin-dependent inter-cellular communication increases invasion and dissemination of Shigella in

➦   Differing modes of tumour cell invasion have distinct requirements for Rho/ROCK signalling and extra

➦   Oxygen sensitivity severely limits the replicative lifespan of murine fibroblasts

➦   Cdk5 is essential for synaptic vesicle endocytosis

➦   Cdc42-dependent actin polymerization during compensatory endocytosis in Xenopus eggs

➦   Phosphorylation of Cdc20 is required for its inhibition by the spindle checkpoint

➦   Targeted movement of cell end factors in fission yeast

➦   A non-proteolytic role for ubiquitin in Tat-mediated transactivation of the HIV-1 promoter

➦   Sphingosylphosphorylcholine regulates keratin network architecture and visco-elastic properties of h

➦   The endoplasmic reticulum is the site of cholesterol-induced cytotoxicity in macrophages

➦   CRMP-2 regulates polarized Numb-mediated endocytosis for axon growth

➦   Selected lipids activate phagosome actin assembly and maturation resulting in killing of pathogenic

➦   Activation of the interferon system by short-interfering RNAs

➦   Wingless promotes cell survival but constrains growth during Drosophila wing development

➦   Rac-dependent trans-endocytosis of ephrinBs regulates Eph–ephrin contact repulsion

➦   EphB–ephrinB bi-directional endocytosis terminates adhesion allowing contact mediated repulsion

➦   LKB1 (XEEK1) regulates Wnt signalling in vertebrate development

➦   Epithelial tube morphogenesis during Drosophila tracheal development requires Piopio, a luminal ZP p

➦   The Salvador partner Hippo promotes apoptosis and cell-cycle exit in Drosophila