Rough Deal and Zw10 are required for the metaphase checkpoint in Drosophila

Author:  ["Renata Basto","Rui Gomes","Roger E. Karess"]

Publication:  Nature Cell Biology

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The metaphase–anaphase transition during mitosis is carefully regulated in order to assure high-fidelity transmission of genetic information to the daughter cells. A surveillance mechanism known as the metaphase checkpoint (or spindle-assembly checkpoint) monitors the attachment of kinetochores to the spindle microtubules, and inhibits anaphase onset until all chromosomes have achieved a proper bipolar orientation on the spindle. Defects in this checkpoint lead to premature anaphase onset, and consequently to greatly increased rates of aneuploidy. Here we show that the Drosophila kinetochore components Rough deal (Rod) and Zeste-White 10 (Zw10) are required for the proper functioning of the metaphase checkpoint in flies. Drosophila cells lacking either ROD or Zw10 exhibit a phenotype that is similar to that of bub1 mutants — they do not arrest in metaphase in response to spindle damage, but instead separate sister chromatids, degrade cyclin B and exit mitosis. These are the first checkpoint components to be identified that do not have obvious homologues in budding yeast.

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Basto, R., Gomes, R. & Karess, R. Rough Deal and Zw10 are required for the metaphase checkpoint in Drosophila. Nat Cell Biol 2, 939–943 (2000).

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