Tissue elongation requires oscillating contractions of a basal actomyosin network

Author:  ["Li He","Xiaobo Wang","Ho Lam Tang","Denise J. Montell"]

Publication:  Nature Cell Biology

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Tags:  Drosophila   Tissue engineering   Biological


Oscillating activities of actomyosin networks at the apical side of epithelial cells have been linked to morphogenesis in Drosophila. Montell and colleagues show that myosin oscillations on a polarised actin network at basal cell surfaces of follicle epithelial cells are also required for Drosophila egg chamber elongation. Understanding how molecular dynamics leads to cellular behaviours that ultimately sculpt organs and tissues is a major challenge not only in basic developmental biology but also in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Here we use live imaging to show that the basal surfaces of Drosophila follicle cells undergo a series of directional, oscillating contractions driven by periodic myosin accumulation on a polarized actin network. Inhibition of the actomyosin contractions or their coupling to extracellular matrix (ECM) blocked elongation of the whole tissue, whereas enhancement of the contractions exaggerated it. Myosin accumulated in a periodic manner before each contraction and was regulated by the small GTPase Rho, its downstream kinase, ROCK, and cytosolic calcium. Disrupting the link between the actin cytoskeleton and the ECM decreased the amplitude and period of the contractions, whereas enhancing cell–ECM adhesion increased them. In contrast, disrupting cell–cell adhesions resulted in loss of the actin network. Our findings reveal a mechanism controlling organ shape and an experimental model for the study of the effects of oscillatory actomyosin activity within a coherent cell sheet.

Cite this article

He, L., Wang, X., Tang, H. et al. Tissue elongation requires oscillating contractions of a basal actomyosin network. Nat Cell Biol 12, 1133–1142 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncb2124

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