The bidirectional depolymerizer MCAK generates force by disassembling both microtubule ends

Author:  ["Yusuke Oguchi","Seiichi Uchimura","Takashi Ohki","Sergey V. Mikhailenko","Shin’ichi Ishiwata"]

Publication:  Nature Cell Biology

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Tags:  Microtubules   Biological


Single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements show that the microtubule depolymerizing enzyme MCAK uses microtubule disassembly to generate force at both microtubule ends. During cell division the replicated chromosomes are segregated precisely towards the spindle poles1,2. Although many cellular processes involving motility require ATP-fuelled force generation by motor proteins, most models of the chromosome movement invoke the release of energy stored at strained (owing to GTP hydrolysis) plus ends of microtubules3,4. This energy is converted into chromosome movement through passive couplers5,6,7, whereas the role of molecular motors is limited to the regulation of microtubule dynamics. Here we report, that the microtubule-depolymerizing activity of MCAK (mitotic centromere-associated kinesin), the founding member of the kinesin-13 family, is accompanied by the generation of significant tension—remarkably, at both microtubule ends. An MCAK-decorated bead strongly attaches to the microtubule side, but readily slides along it in either direction under weak external loads and tightly captures and disassembles both microtubule ends. We show that the depolymerization force increases with the number of interacting MCAK molecules and is ∼1 pN per motor. These results provide a simple model for the generation of driving force and the regulation of chromosome segregation by the activity of MCAK at both kinetochores and spindle poles through a ‘side-sliding, end-catching’ mechanism.

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Oguchi, Y., Uchimura, S., Ohki, T. et al. The bidirectional depolymerizer MCAK generates force by disassembling both microtubule ends. Nat Cell Biol 13, 846–852 (2011).

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