➦   Clause vivification by unit propagation in CDCL SAT solvers

➦   New models for generating hard random boolean formulas and disjunctive logic programs

➦   Mind the gaps: Assuring the safety of autonomous systems from an engineering, ethical, and legal per

➦   Recursively modeling other agents for decision making: A research perspective

➦   Algorithms for estimating the partition function of restricted Boltzmann machines

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Representing and planning with interacting actions and privacy

➦   Scalable constraint-based virtual data center allocation

➦   Realizability of three-valued semantics for abstract dialectical frameworks

➦   Probabilistic sentence satisfiability: An approach to PSAT

➦   Grounded language interpretation of robotic commands through structured learning

➦   Variable neighborhood search for graphical model energy minimization

➦   Computing AES related-key differential characteristics with constraint programming

➦   Artificial systems with moral capacities? A research design and its implementation in a geriatric ca

➦   Reordering all agents in asynchronous backtracking for distributed constraint satisfaction problems

➦   Gradient conjugate priors and multi-layer neural networks

➦   Coalitional games induced by matching problems: Complexity and islands of tractability for the Shapl

➦   The complexity of exact learning of acyclic conditional preference networks from swap examples

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Introducing article numbering to Artificial Intelligence

➦   Leadership in singleton congestion games: What is hard and what is easy

➦   On rational entailment for Propositional Typicality Logic

➦   The Book of Why, Judea Pearl, Basic Books (2018)

➦   Representation learning with extreme learning machines and empirical mode decomposition for wind spe

➦   From iterated revision to iterated contraction: Extending the Harper Identity

➦   Proving semantic properties as first-order satisfiability

➦   Approximate verification of strategic abilities under imperfect information

➦   Job sequencing with one common and multiple secondary resources: An A⁎/Beam Search based anytime alg

➦   Optimal cruiser-drone traffic enforcement under energy limitation

➦   Natural strategic ability

➦   Exploiting reverse target-side contexts for neural machine translation via asynchronous bidirectiona

➦   Coevolutionary systems and PageRank

➦   Determining inference semantics for disjunctive logic programs

➦   Democratic fair allocation of indivisible goods

➦   Knowing-how under uncertainty

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Distributed monitoring of election winners

➦   A set of new multi- and many-objective test problems for continuous optimization and a comprehensive

➦   How we designed winning algorithms for abstract argumentation and which insight we attained

➦   Pareto optimal allocation under uncertain preferences: uncertainty models, algorithms, and complexit

➦   Incentivizing evaluation with peer prediction and limited access to ground truth

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Forgetting auxiliary atoms in forks

➦   Syntax-aware entity representations for neural relation extraction

➦   Automatic generation of sentimental texts via mixture adversarial networks

➦   Faster shift-reduce constituent parsing with a non-binary, bottom-up strategy

➦   The logic of qualitative probability

➦   Analogy between concepts

➦   A general notion of equivalence for abstract argumentation

➦   On the complexity of inconsistency measurement