➦   Verification of multi-agent systems with public actions against strategy logic

➦   Special issue on autonomous agents modelling other agents: Guest editorial

➦   On strengthening the logic of iterated belief revision: Proper ordinal interval operators

➦   Complexity of abstract argumentation under a claim-centric view

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Compact and efficient encodings for planning in factored state and action spaces with learned Binari

➦   On the complexity of reasoning about opinion diffusion under majority dynamics

➦   Combining gaze and AI planning for online human intention recognition

➦   The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect, Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie, Basic Books (2018

➦   Knowing the price of success

➦   CPCES: A planning framework to solve conformant planning problems through a counterexample guided re

➦   On quasi-inconsistency and its complexity

➦   Compatibility, desirability, and the running intersection property

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Adapting a kidney exchange algorithm to align with human values

➦   Intention as commitment toward time

➦   On pruning search trees of impartial games

➦   An epistemic logic of blameworthiness

➦   Batch repair actions for automated troubleshooting

➦   Qualitative case-based reasoning and learning

➦   Limited lookahead in imperfect-information games

➦   How do fairness definitions fare? Testing public attitudes towards three algorithmic definitions of

➦   Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Automated construction of bounded-loss imperfect-recall abstractions in extensive-form games

➦   Autoepistemic equilibrium logic and epistemic specifications

➦   Rethinking epistemic logic with belief bases

➦   Robust learning with imperfect privileged information

➦   Regression and progression in stochastic domains

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Epistemic graphs for representing and reasoning with positive and negative influences of arguments

➦   Ethical approaches and autonomous systems

➦   Synchronous bidirectional inference for neural sequence generation

➦   Story embedding: Learning distributed representations of stories based on character networks

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Definability for model counting

➦   Reasoning about uncertain parameters and agent behaviors through encoded experiences and belief plan

➦   SCCWalk: An efficient local search algorithm and its improvements for maximum weight clique problem

➦   Relative inconsistency measures

➦   The computational complexity of Angry Birds

➦   When autonomous agents model other agents: An appeal for altered judgment coupled with mouths, ears,

➦   Polynomial rewritings from expressive Description Logics with closed predicates to variants of Datal

➦   The Hanabi challenge: A new frontier for AI research

➦   An Introduction to the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL): Book review

➦   Landmark-based approaches for goal recognition as planning

➦   Editorial Board

➦   Design and results of the Second International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation

➦   Governing convergence of Max-sum on DCOPs through damping and splitting

➦   Preference elicitation and robust winner determination for single- and multi-winner social choice

➦   Train-O-Matic: Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with no (manual) effort